Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wandering: The Whats... Part One

OK. Here is, what I've done. The WHAT of this trip. What I did:

Friday, November 28th

I left Westminster Woods about an hour behind schedule. After, surprisingly, completing all the tasks i had set for myself, I hopped into the car and blew kisses to my place of work, play and rest. After a few phone calls, I smiled to see the red sweatshirt of Corby walking across the random parking lot off the 101. Sleeping bag exchanged for cake cookies, I was off to Big Basin...late, but en route. A beautiful fog swallowed the car as I rose up into the hills south of SF. I stopped to take pictures and to curse my unwillingness to pee on the side of the road. Without any real cover except fog, and a snootiness for toilet paper, I continued on in the fog to Big Basin. The road leading up to big basin was amazing. Sylvanshine cut through the trees and cut the fog and illuminated the world, spotlighting everything. Importance to all!

I met Chris at the welcome center to Big Basin. We paid the way (gosh darn, 25 a night plus parking an extra car! Maybe I'm just SUPER cheap? Isn't that a lot?). After parking at our spot, which, despite what Sam (notsohappy ranger) said, was a crappy location for any, I'm talking ANY, privacy. It was cute however, that we were the thoroughfare for all people under 4 feet, to play and travel. Anyways, we left our cars and headed for a quick stream exploration. After a short, yet great, splish splash we put up the tent and headed for a hike. We hiked maybe 4 miles (naturalizing and getting excited over everything). Chris hadn't seen redwoods in many years and it was great to be part of that reintroduction. From climbing inside trees to climbing under and on top of them, the redwoods were, and are, magical. We played until dark. A nice new yorker gave us some wood, my stove failed us, and after a night hike and some semi-warm pasta and spinach we turned in. At 2 am there was a ruckus outside, of lights and sounds that can only be explained as the late night bathroom party.

Saturday November 29th
Our second day, after I used cell service in a search for Carlos, we hit the old growth. Yay for tree houses and being inside, completely, inside a tree. We hiked the ridge, and maybe? saw the ocean from the top. Before the sun set we headed back down and then, tired and hungry, went to Boulder Creek for dinner. Cute little Chinese place (The red pearl?) that had been "called to feed the hungry people of the Santa Cruz mountains." Mmm, a great day!

Sunday November 30th
We split ways in the am, and I headed to see my sister in LA. Fing traffic. I couldn't even believe it. What was supposed to be 6 hours, turned out to be 8, or was it 9? WE NEED A BETTER TRAVEL SOLUTION. However, driving was nice until the traffic outside of Santa Barbara and then LA. After I arrived we went on a walk with Charlie and some hot wine. We ate at a Lebanese restaurant, watched an Audrey Tatou movie and went to bed in Annie's tiny, but cute, studio in Long Beach. I think I understood the all-french no-subtitle movie. 10 points to Gryfendor!

Monday, December 1st
The day of Christine and Charlie.
I felt sick that morning, I lazed around in the apartment until about 1pm. I felt so gross and was very happy to be by myself during that. Also learned and became addicted to, momentarily, bald eagles. Charlie and I went for a walk next, getting kicked out of Rite Aide, and not allowed into the pastry shop. Really? No dogs in the pastry shop? Odd, I say!
I bought a bean burrito, carried charlie over the 'bridge of doom' and then back over the 'bridge of doom' to the dog park. Dog park on the beach was so much fun! You can meet so many people at the dog beach! And! SO MANY DOGS! Met the 'follicle-ly challenged' McFadden the poodle mix. Also, thought Charlie was going to be eaten by a big black lab. I decided that Charlie is probably a bite and a half.

Tried to chat with the owner of a less intense chocolate lab, but to no avail. After an embarrassing 20 minutes of struggle to catch Charlie, and coercing help, we set off back home. After buying beer, I made dinner while Annie did, or procrastinated, her work. Chik'n Parmesan with a spinach and bow ties (little balsamic) side dish. We watched TV, I think, and went to bed. Actually, I'm pretty sure Annie fell asleep on the couch.

I think I'll always describe food. It's so worthy of description.

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