Saturday, October 30, 2010

Falling for It

I'd like to Thank the Fall season for always being true to itself and for renewing each year my love for fall, and to echo Elena "making me want to eat pumpkin flavored everything."

It's like a baby. You could see a million babies--- but their little baby feet would still bring wonder, amazement, and the desire to cover them with ink and walk them across oaktag. I've had 25 Fall's, and I still want to smell the smells, taste the tastes and find another way to consume a pumkin.

Attachment and Caring

Caring about something is an interesting, lovely and sometimes slippery slope. Attachment and Caring seem to go hand in hand. A wise being would probably interrupt to inform me, at this moment, that infact Attachement and Caring do not have to go hand in hand. They can walk seperately.

I guess I just wonder if their hands would get cold... and, inevitebly join for warmth.