Saturday, December 27, 2008

Flu Who?

Never ever will I say only 'feel better' when someone has the flu. Call me a big baby, but, my goodness, two weeks of the flu and I would rather get my wisdom teeth out every single day that I have felt sick. Now I know what works, and doesn't. And, thinking you'll get better in a few days, doesn't. Cayenne pepper, ginger, tea, orange juice, soup--- it's great, and it works. And it's really reassuring... day one, two, even three. Then, you reach for the boxed drugs. And boy, thank you modern medicine. From sweats and shakes and pounding headaches, nausea, sleeplessness, dizziness, dry throat and perhaps some hallucination, oh, and some tears.... now, as a bonified participant, I can say.... grab the box of drugs at the same time you grab the ginger. Don't be fooled, one only masks the symptoms... you still need to stay put and heal, but, oh how nice it is when you slip that mask on. :-)

It may seem very obvious to some. Duh, it's the flu. It sucks. WELL, I understood that it sucked. But, like my firm belief, you know it better when you can interact, when you can teach, when you can play--- well, I played with the flu. And I get it. And I am thankful. I'm thankful that it was (and is, ugh) still only the flu. I'm thankful for my limbs, for my digits, for my eyes... for everything that was sore and overheated or frigid. I'm thankful that I had what I needed, that people around me cared and let me sleep in, and stay on the couch. I'm thankful that the tap water was drinkable, orange juice plentiful and my surroundings more than safe, more than accommodating. Perspective helps when you are sick, I've decided. So boo hoo.... flu who. I've got you right where I want you.... on the outs. (But if you could hurry up and leave, I'm be much appreciative)

Friday, December 19, 2008

I'm practicing loading pictures.

The Blog-Shake

No, not a delicious ice cream based, word-enhanced 'beverage.' (Are shakes considered beverages? Nah, desserts, maybe?)

Anyways, the blog shake has to do with, a rather bitter sweet deal. Well, agreement, not really a deal.

"You had better not be writing about me in your blog." My mom said, in the middle of an argument. Or, was it a discussion. Eh, it was a mix...

"I won't." I said. "I don't." thinking of course 'you are quintessential blog material. 24-7.'

Well, the blog is like a week old, so "I don't," really meant "I haven't yet."

Now, this blog is not a big deal. We've mentioned it maybe twice since the day I proclaimed I was a blogger. I am such a blog virgin that I have yet to make the blog-threats "careful, or I'll eviscerate you via blog." "I'm going to blog about this moment later!"

Nope. None of that.

Well. That's it. No mom in here. I shook on it. I'll of course talk about her under another name, but, ladies and gentlemen, it's big blog bulletin news:
No mother in here. Which is crazy. Because she is crazy. And crazy makes for gooooooood writin'.

Oh well. Respect comes first. I guess.

PS: Really hilarious mom stories are allowed (ie: Puerto Rico customs). I've decided. And will be written with permission granted from the mother-unit.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bat and Moth

A popular EE game for crepuscular creatures and for playing with the adaptation of echolocation is bat and moth. It probably has several different names. Essentially, via echolocation (clap-clap) the bat (student) finds the moth (student) in a dark, sometimes blindfolded, situation.

Well, when walking Axis last night, I watched a little bat soar above a lamppost.

Straight lines and then suddenly, like the moth, the bat dropped from the sky about two feet. Snack?
Again and again, the bat soared, passing 20 feet on either side of the light, scooping up unsuspecting bugs as they made their pilgrimage to the light.

"Clap clap" I said, every time the bat ducked to swoop at it's prey.

The sun set, and we made our way back to the house.

Wander: The Whats...Part Two

Is this interesting to anyone but me? I don't know. But here is what I've been doing, or the main points, at least. Much needs to be updated, but it takes more time than I want to give, so, for now... here you go!

Tuesday, December 2nd

Annie said goodbye from the door. We're casual, I guess. After walking Charlie and setting myself straight, I rolled towards the ocean. And then, away. Off to get Marisa! Oh LA traffic. Again. Will I ever learn? No. Because, if I found a simple solution, so would the 900 other cars traveling at 5, oh wait 55, oh, now 15 miles-per-hour. I found Marisa's house, which included the one and only Marisa. After coffee, and pasta cooking, facebooking (great communication tool and great life-sucker) we played in her past. Jewelery, art projects, posters... it's fun to revisit the past. Oh! Were we supposed to be going somewhere? Hah!

After piling in, kissing Charlie (the cat, at Marisa's) goodbye and purchasing water for the desert (always seems so wrong to buy water like that) we were off. And by off, I mean, we were sitting. In the car. In the traffic. Again.

Sometimes, I'm a chill person. I can be laid back. Really, I can. But, to my personality most of the time and my genetics, I frustrate easily and I'm not always the best at dealing with it (however, much better than the before mentioned givers of the genetics). So, we rolled, and squeaked, and cursed, and breathed and then sailed, smoothly without accident (thank you) to Joshua Tree. Oh winter and your early darkness. Sigh.

We set up camp at Hidden Valley, and proceeded to star gaze until the cold drove us into the tent (circus style, thank you, Sam!).

Wednesday, December 3rd

We got a LATE start. We didn't really communicate about wake-up times. I wasn't sure if we were on vacation, or if we were trying to get the most out of our day. Either way, it worked out. And boy, when I woke up, it was ALL worth it. Unzipping the tent, I could sense the vastness. I couldn't see (still, at this point, had not located my glasses), but I could tell it was flat and brown and there was green, in select blurry zones. After applying contacts I was floored. Joshua Tree. Breathe in. Joshua Tree! Stretching to all the furthest points I could see. Giant, bizarre, stretching Joshua trees, Mojave yuccas, brown soft sandy soil, and piles of giant rough boulders, calling "scramble here! Scramble here!" Huge sky, desert sky. Bright and blue and, mmmm... a winter breeze.

I was standing under a Truffula tree. Mile after mile in the fresh morning breeze.

Thankfully, no gazump.

We groggily got a start, heading to the visitor center for some education, and, the way to our first planned hike. We stayed, maybe overstayed at the center for some while. We're nerds, and we wanted to watch a video about the park (I know, why not just VISIT the park? Well... it's nice to have a pre-show). After soaking up some history and flora/fauna info, and two refills on coffee, we headed to Oasis of Mara.

I was not extremely impressed. It was nice, but, paved and located next to highway 10 (?), was not what I wanted. I was becoming a J-Tree snob, and I wanted to bury myself in the vastness INSIDE the park. So, we went back in again, a different way.

The drive back in, starting at the north-eastern entrance. Was. Well. Sigh. Phenomenal.

Joshua tree deserves a description beyond what I have given it here.

After playing on Jumbo Rocks, we headed back towards our camp ground for dinner and some night scrambling. Raven calls and shouts into the night, did not make us new friends, but, gave us an idea for a night hike. After a night hike we headed back for our night ritual. Beer, fire, big big sky.

I was so content, so cold and also longed so much to be able to share that moment with so many people. Not because I needed them there, but because, I know they would have been just as amazed and moved as I.

Do you take the beauty for granted after you've been there a good deal of time?
"Nope." Duane told me the next day, "Never. And I live here."
"Sometimes when it's really hot," Jeffery said, "Then, well, you don't dislike it, you just hate the heat."
Duane and Jeff.... maintenance rangers and Thursday's human entertainment of the day.

Thursday, December 4th
To be updated later:
late-ish start. Packed up, drove around, locked keys in car, Keys View, Octillo patch, Cactus garden, Cottonwood Springs. Got lost on our night hike.

Friday, December 5th
To be updated later:
Nice long hike. Firewood from gas station. Big fire. Big sky.

Saturday, December 6th
To be updated later:
left after waking up. Blythe. Scottsdale/Reading at coffee shop/Falafel place. DANCE SHOW! AWESOME!!! Out with Joe and Fernando to the club. Lots of fun!

Sunday, December 7th
To be updated later:
Flagstaff. Thai. Tried Black Barts. Alas, no Jim. I did get stuck, momentarily, in the dark, scary bathroom.
Drinking/cards/ridiculousness/JIM!/LAUGHING OUR ASSES OFF!!

Monday, December 8th (Jinsie's birthday)
To be updated later:
Back to Phoenix. Saw Kyle, YAY! Airport. Left the bag in the car. Oh crap. Cellphone problem. Sunflower seed butter scene. Flew to Georgia, flew to Raleigh. Met Cynthia the chiropractor and Irene, the 'god bless' 'praise Jesus' mom of the Italian supermodel wanna be. Saw my parents in the airport, always makes me laugh a little.

Tuesday, December 9th
Woke up late. Unpacked, breakfast of grits, eggs and pastries. Wow, for shredded wheat devotees, pretty impressive! Played with the dog, walked with mom. Laundry. Chatted on the porch. Walked to the library, then the Spanish market, and then the mmmmm Spanish bakery. Researched cameras. Made dinner of mushrooms/onions/braised tomatoes on fresh bread with farmers cheese. Secret cinnamon. Apple pie and wine for dessert. Whoa! Dessert at the Preddy household? Things are changing! (That, or, I'm finally a guest, and not, a resident).

Loaded photos, made my list of the things to do, and yes, updated two weeks of travel!

Wednesday December 10th

I think we went shopping at some point during the day. Yes, after a morning walk and some reading we went to Target, TJ Maxx and some outdoor store that I was more excited than necessary for. We bought Adam some great toys (a truck and blocks!) and cute Puma outfit.

My parents have a funny way of not really eating all day. They seem to have one main meal a day, and I'm not sure how they sustain themselves otherwise. Martinis? Wine? Out for pizza and beer (wine for the wine-o's) at Lily's that night. Decided I don't like potato on pizza and rosemary is a strong herb. Decided that it does my parents good to leave the house.

Thursday, December 11th

Major cabin fever. Not a great day. Axis is a pain during work outs. Tries to get underneath me when I do sit ups or push ups. But so cute! Did accomplish many random tasks that I had predicted would take 1/2 as long as the reality. Went out with dad to check out a tropical fish store (sad and neat), wine store and camera researching. Bought Jinsie a birthday gift, wrapped presents and scrapbooked to online episodes of the Simpson's. They provided a much needed laugh. I decided, I do love scrapbooking... but am not traditional, and do not follow the rules of scrapbooking (which I think, do actually exist).

Friday, December 12th

On the road. ALL DAY. After a shower, 7 hours of dog cuteness/hair/annoyance, a brief stop at Motel 8, we arrived chez King Cute. Chatted with Jinsie and played with baby Adam until Mike came home. After walking Axis, and a round of fabulous pizza (mmm, 2x that week!), mom and dad left for their motel is the ghetto. We watched something on TV, drank, chatted and chilled.

Saturday, December 13th

Baby in the bath! After a bath, and some breakfast we set to playing in the family room. We pretty much just sit and watch Adam, and play with Adam and cooooooo over Adam. Can you blame us? We are de-Adam for 4 months at a time! We took baby and dog to the park. Um, small people and small toys in a big area... so cute. Made me miss the museum of play. Dog and babies... do not mix, however. Oh Axis.

Then back to the house so baby, and dog, could nap. Mom and dad set off to relax at the motel and Jinisie and I went out to lunch at Soul Vegetarian. Mmm! A little urban outfitters and some coffee and we rode back from Atlanta to the house. After some more watch and play with King Cute, we headed to Ginger's house. Awesome house, awesome food, very enjoyable everything and everyone. Darjeeling limited back at their house and another couch night with the dog.

Sunday, December 14th

Doorbell. Good morning early rising parents. You can't really decide your sleep schedule when you sleep on the couch. Off to the market, after more playing. After the market, back on the road. 7 more hours of cuteness, which, flew by this time thanks to my ability to read in the car. Normally, any windiness or attempt to focus in a moving vehicle makes me plan out the best barf location options. Nope, not on the straight shot home. The sun set as I had 5 pages left to Mountains Beyond Mountains. At home, with some wine, I finished the book. And sat, in that moment of silence after you finish a long anything, wondering, "what now?"

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wandering: The Whats... Part One

OK. Here is, what I've done. The WHAT of this trip. What I did:

Friday, November 28th

I left Westminster Woods about an hour behind schedule. After, surprisingly, completing all the tasks i had set for myself, I hopped into the car and blew kisses to my place of work, play and rest. After a few phone calls, I smiled to see the red sweatshirt of Corby walking across the random parking lot off the 101. Sleeping bag exchanged for cake cookies, I was off to Big Basin...late, but en route. A beautiful fog swallowed the car as I rose up into the hills south of SF. I stopped to take pictures and to curse my unwillingness to pee on the side of the road. Without any real cover except fog, and a snootiness for toilet paper, I continued on in the fog to Big Basin. The road leading up to big basin was amazing. Sylvanshine cut through the trees and cut the fog and illuminated the world, spotlighting everything. Importance to all!

I met Chris at the welcome center to Big Basin. We paid the way (gosh darn, 25 a night plus parking an extra car! Maybe I'm just SUPER cheap? Isn't that a lot?). After parking at our spot, which, despite what Sam (notsohappy ranger) said, was a crappy location for any, I'm talking ANY, privacy. It was cute however, that we were the thoroughfare for all people under 4 feet, to play and travel. Anyways, we left our cars and headed for a quick stream exploration. After a short, yet great, splish splash we put up the tent and headed for a hike. We hiked maybe 4 miles (naturalizing and getting excited over everything). Chris hadn't seen redwoods in many years and it was great to be part of that reintroduction. From climbing inside trees to climbing under and on top of them, the redwoods were, and are, magical. We played until dark. A nice new yorker gave us some wood, my stove failed us, and after a night hike and some semi-warm pasta and spinach we turned in. At 2 am there was a ruckus outside, of lights and sounds that can only be explained as the late night bathroom party.

Saturday November 29th
Our second day, after I used cell service in a search for Carlos, we hit the old growth. Yay for tree houses and being inside, completely, inside a tree. We hiked the ridge, and maybe? saw the ocean from the top. Before the sun set we headed back down and then, tired and hungry, went to Boulder Creek for dinner. Cute little Chinese place (The red pearl?) that had been "called to feed the hungry people of the Santa Cruz mountains." Mmm, a great day!

Sunday November 30th
We split ways in the am, and I headed to see my sister in LA. Fing traffic. I couldn't even believe it. What was supposed to be 6 hours, turned out to be 8, or was it 9? WE NEED A BETTER TRAVEL SOLUTION. However, driving was nice until the traffic outside of Santa Barbara and then LA. After I arrived we went on a walk with Charlie and some hot wine. We ate at a Lebanese restaurant, watched an Audrey Tatou movie and went to bed in Annie's tiny, but cute, studio in Long Beach. I think I understood the all-french no-subtitle movie. 10 points to Gryfendor!

Monday, December 1st
The day of Christine and Charlie.
I felt sick that morning, I lazed around in the apartment until about 1pm. I felt so gross and was very happy to be by myself during that. Also learned and became addicted to, momentarily, bald eagles. Charlie and I went for a walk next, getting kicked out of Rite Aide, and not allowed into the pastry shop. Really? No dogs in the pastry shop? Odd, I say!
I bought a bean burrito, carried charlie over the 'bridge of doom' and then back over the 'bridge of doom' to the dog park. Dog park on the beach was so much fun! You can meet so many people at the dog beach! And! SO MANY DOGS! Met the 'follicle-ly challenged' McFadden the poodle mix. Also, thought Charlie was going to be eaten by a big black lab. I decided that Charlie is probably a bite and a half.

Tried to chat with the owner of a less intense chocolate lab, but to no avail. After an embarrassing 20 minutes of struggle to catch Charlie, and coercing help, we set off back home. After buying beer, I made dinner while Annie did, or procrastinated, her work. Chik'n Parmesan with a spinach and bow ties (little balsamic) side dish. We watched TV, I think, and went to bed. Actually, I'm pretty sure Annie fell asleep on the couch.

I think I'll always describe food. It's so worthy of description.

Lesson One: Store SSB in Bra

This was written in early December 2008.

So, I realized that I started this blog for the real reason, besides my verboseness, to keep myself and my human friends updated about what I've been doing/thinking as I wander around the world.

Before I go there, permit me to bird walk elsewhere.

Like I have aforementioned, I am recently obsessed with the written, and consequently, the spoken, word. My time has recently been taken by (eh, given to) family engagements, I have been writing entry after entry on scraps of brain space (oh much there is!) in my cranium. Like the back of the desk drawer (or the front, if you are me, or my boss), it is jumbled with this-and-that's; moments, or thoughts or ideas, beginnings of poems, descriptions, images... tossed around, sticking to my gray matter. And, like most of our thoughts, will remain there. I must use this foreword as warning, because, like the desk drawer clutter, you never know when random chunks of thoughts are going to detach from my cerebellum and plop out here. In this private/public journal forum thing that we invented.

OK. Chirp chirp. Back to the basics, baby. Uh-oh! B-words!

I wrote, in the airport, on the back of my e-ticket, while waiting for my connecting flight from Atlanta to Raleigh, about my ongoings. Paper blog.

For time and truth-to-the-moment, I shall transfer the words to this eblog. :

Sometimes it's the smallest of the overlooked details that end up being the biggest pain. I know I would need more credit-which really means money- on my phone before I arrived east. I figured it would be possible to do on the phone, without any paperwork, or other knowledge. Anyways--when I learned all of my electronics, food and toiletries (yes, the remotely infamous black glasses case as well) in the trunk of the Subaru--the small skip of not paying for minutes on my phone, bit me in the ass. I almost wish it had done so literally, maybe it would be a better wake up call.
Ow, my butt hurts! Why? Oh, yeah, you set off a chain of crappy events because you-no-pay-bills.
So--then I was set to wonder. Do I even need any of that stuff? Stuff, I'm always schlepping around--stuff, I'm buying, breaking, replacing, lamenting over. Yup. Stuff. Glasses, need those. (um, tangent about monocles... what? Not re-writing that here. Editing my past self) Yup, camera charger. Need that. Ugh.
It's really not that bad. It's really not even bad.
I think it matters so much to be because I want to be able to prove to myself that I can make and execute solid plans, independently. Like forgetting something is maybe a sign that I should stop this solo-travel life. Leaving the bag is a sign? "Don't you think you can do what you want, girl." No. Doubt portion of the brain, thanks for the attempt at a lesson, but--NO, I, the other part of me, disagree.

I'm mad they stole my peanut-butter (NAY! Sunflower Seed Butter, Mmmm) in my new squeezy tube. Oh customs customs. Thank you for keeping us safe, but, even after I squeeze out (painful!) almost all the delicious SSB in front of you, why, then, can you not be convinced that my SSB is not laced with explosives? Look, you can smell, we can taste... it's just in a tube. I've gone through the machine twice now, my boots have been xrayed twice. Three of you have examined (and enjoyed, dare I say) my little trail convenience. If this is about SSB, I'll give you some! You can oh-so-easily squeeze it out right now! Oh, I see, maybe I could McGuiver that little tube while I'm in the bathroom and explode everyone in the airport with my now, less than 2, ounces of sandwich spread. Yes. I can see it now. SSB on everyone and everything in the area. Really, I would just be bringing joy. Joy and tasty protein-rich lunch spread all over Phoenix! Oh well. Get over it. I should have stashed it in my bra. Lesson 1.

I do, however, love traveling. I love people watching. I love talking to people. I found, however, with more personal difficulties, comes an initial decrease for others. Flaunt your limited minutes! Flaunt your peanut butter in a 3oz clear container that not confiscated! Flaunt your carry on items...with, with.... with it's physical presence! Hah! Mine is traveling the streets of Phoenix in Subaru style... ain't yours jealous.

They're laughing. So cute. The family near me. New to being a family, a second generation adding on maybe three years ago. Every minute a first. First new minute, being in this new minute.

I wouldn't have met Cheryl, had I not leaned over to tell her about my SSB. I never would have chatted about her trip to Morocco, or her new life plans. I would never have seen her big big smile when I congratulated her and she beamed about her new life. New possibilities in a new spot in the world! Nor, probably, the man from Buffalo, NY, who, apologized that Rochester gets so much snow. He had a deep laugh and a nice ring, and I enjoyed the ten minutes he was my neighbor.

Bouncing up and down on the road. SSB, left bags, useless cell phones aside, traveling is good today.

Lesson one: we can't always see all the potholes in the road. No matter how well we plan the route. And, well, it's kind of fun sometimes, it changes perspective. We can plan and plan and plan, and sometimes, it's only in reflection that we see where we should have kept the SSB. Lessons for the future. :-)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Georgia airport and human love

Airports are the largest spots of mixed emotion. Or is it graduation ceremonies? It has the happy/sad/ohcrap/stress/excitement/fear/love/hate bundle of 101 emotions spread throughout a confusing arrangement of overpriced candy bars, concourses and gates. I share in my own definition (surprise! surprise!), when I say I love/hate airports. I'm a fan of being an airport observer, and that is the first (and, time depending, only) portion I will comment on.

So I stopped this here. I found this half written blog post in my drafts, and in the spirit of spring cleaning, I've decided to dust it off and use it. I like the statement above, I still agree with myself (still, no surprise). Airports are such a different part of life. Even now, in my comfortable life of similar series of events and daily earthly grounding into my very grounded life, I feel so strongly about airports. Granted, after 9 flights, I was less enamored than when I was 9 myself and on a flight for the first time. But, still, if you can take the time to look around, its a circus of emotion. And I like that.

What is it about that. I wonder, not so much as a question, but more as a questioning statement. What is it about emotion that I love. Do we all love that? I guess so, take a look at which movies are popular. Anyways... spring cleaning, continues.

Baby Bloggers Bright Beginning

It is easy for alliteration to reach it's point of diminishing marginal return pretty quickly, like a bowl of Mrs. Brazil's candy corn. You can only take so much before you start to regret your decision.

Well, I've begun the journey down Blog Blvd, beating a beat and blogging a bunch is beneficial for the boastful bystander who is beguiled to believe that a bug can be the bottom line of a brand new blog. OK, I'll back of the b-words before I bore you to b-death.

Everyone has a reason for blogging, and while you (the reader), may not care for an explanation, I do think that that is a reason for a blog right there. It's mine! Not yours! Who CARES what you think, right?

Nay, and oui (pronounced wh-aay in pockets of southern France). This whole beautiful blogging b-... OK, I'll stop... this blog is a result of several people's encouragement, and my own obsession with words. So, it's for me and for you. And, like life, we have choices. Whether we write and whether we read. No pressure. Quite nice! But what is it that you are reading? Yes, yes, my ramblings... but, what about a bug?

The title. Yesterday's Neat Bug comes from a discussion with two, maybe three of my good NY friends. Whom, Lindsay and Kelly (Julia would agree, but I'm not sure if she was there during this event), I know love me dearly, but, like b-words have only a certain level of tolerance for me, and, my potentially mind-numbingly boring stories.

I distinctly remember the moment when I realized that I am verbose to a level beyond normal 20-something year-old females. There had been a bug, a very neat bug, as I had eloquently chosen to describe it, the previous day on my back deck. Well, around a round of Blue Lite's, or perhaps a meal of GoHo, or maybe the dance/hockey basement of our youth, I told the story. Excited, I explained that I had seen a very neat bug, the previous day, on my deck. I described it (probably not well) and then finished the story of my 'adventure' on the deck, that had, no ending really. Had I just shared the fact, that would be one thing, but I told it in a story format "Yesterday, I went out on my deck, it was a sunny day... blah blah blah, cool bug, green wings, blah blah blah, the end." I saw nothing wrong with this story.

A perfect representation of 50% of my stories I tell 100% of the time I am around my friends, my neighbors, my colleagues, people in line at grocery stores, people driving down the street, etc. It was an event I found interesting enough to share. My friends pointed out to me, that, what I found interesting, was not always interesting. They did not want to change me (um, I hope), but instead they brought enlightenment to comparison-- I'm a talker, regardless.

So, the name of this blog. Explained. Doesn't it sound like it will be a thrilling ride? Pages and pages of blog about 'neat bugs' and words that begin with b? Have no fear. That's only 50% of the time. :-)

The reason I started it? This trip and my new found love for the written word. Mmmm... poetry. Mmmm... books and lyrics, quotable quotes and the sweet, strong, and smooth abilities of language. Also, when I mentioned to my mom"I'm thinking about starting a blog." She said, "Well, it makes sense, you always have something to say."

Evidence of that in the 15 paragraphs I just typed explaining why I even have this space to write in. Evidence also in this tiny conversation.

"You're a native." mom
"What? English speaker?" me
"No, blogger." mom, pause. "Or is it inate? It's inate."

Punctuation, spelling and correct usage of the standards of English language may/or may not be used throughout the blog-journey.

I'd like to thank my sponsors. Coffee and chocolate and people who read blogs when they should be (or maybe shouldn't be) doing something else.