Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Wander: The Whats...Part Two

Is this interesting to anyone but me? I don't know. But here is what I've been doing, or the main points, at least. Much needs to be updated, but it takes more time than I want to give, so, for now... here you go!

Tuesday, December 2nd

Annie said goodbye from the door. We're casual, I guess. After walking Charlie and setting myself straight, I rolled towards the ocean. And then, away. Off to get Marisa! Oh LA traffic. Again. Will I ever learn? No. Because, if I found a simple solution, so would the 900 other cars traveling at 5, oh wait 55, oh, now 15 miles-per-hour. I found Marisa's house, which included the one and only Marisa. After coffee, and pasta cooking, facebooking (great communication tool and great life-sucker) we played in her past. Jewelery, art projects, posters... it's fun to revisit the past. Oh! Were we supposed to be going somewhere? Hah!

After piling in, kissing Charlie (the cat, at Marisa's) goodbye and purchasing water for the desert (always seems so wrong to buy water like that) we were off. And by off, I mean, we were sitting. In the car. In the traffic. Again.

Sometimes, I'm a chill person. I can be laid back. Really, I can. But, to my personality most of the time and my genetics, I frustrate easily and I'm not always the best at dealing with it (however, much better than the before mentioned givers of the genetics). So, we rolled, and squeaked, and cursed, and breathed and then sailed, smoothly without accident (thank you) to Joshua Tree. Oh winter and your early darkness. Sigh.

We set up camp at Hidden Valley, and proceeded to star gaze until the cold drove us into the tent (circus style, thank you, Sam!).

Wednesday, December 3rd

We got a LATE start. We didn't really communicate about wake-up times. I wasn't sure if we were on vacation, or if we were trying to get the most out of our day. Either way, it worked out. And boy, when I woke up, it was ALL worth it. Unzipping the tent, I could sense the vastness. I couldn't see (still, at this point, had not located my glasses), but I could tell it was flat and brown and there was green, in select blurry zones. After applying contacts I was floored. Joshua Tree. Breathe in. Joshua Tree! Stretching to all the furthest points I could see. Giant, bizarre, stretching Joshua trees, Mojave yuccas, brown soft sandy soil, and piles of giant rough boulders, calling "scramble here! Scramble here!" Huge sky, desert sky. Bright and blue and, mmmm... a winter breeze.

I was standing under a Truffula tree. Mile after mile in the fresh morning breeze.

Thankfully, no gazump.

We groggily got a start, heading to the visitor center for some education, and, the way to our first planned hike. We stayed, maybe overstayed at the center for some while. We're nerds, and we wanted to watch a video about the park (I know, why not just VISIT the park? Well... it's nice to have a pre-show). After soaking up some history and flora/fauna info, and two refills on coffee, we headed to Oasis of Mara.

I was not extremely impressed. It was nice, but, paved and located next to highway 10 (?), was not what I wanted. I was becoming a J-Tree snob, and I wanted to bury myself in the vastness INSIDE the park. So, we went back in again, a different way.

The drive back in, starting at the north-eastern entrance. Was. Well. Sigh. Phenomenal.

Joshua tree deserves a description beyond what I have given it here.

After playing on Jumbo Rocks, we headed back towards our camp ground for dinner and some night scrambling. Raven calls and shouts into the night, did not make us new friends, but, gave us an idea for a night hike. After a night hike we headed back for our night ritual. Beer, fire, big big sky.

I was so content, so cold and also longed so much to be able to share that moment with so many people. Not because I needed them there, but because, I know they would have been just as amazed and moved as I.

Do you take the beauty for granted after you've been there a good deal of time?
"Nope." Duane told me the next day, "Never. And I live here."
"Sometimes when it's really hot," Jeffery said, "Then, well, you don't dislike it, you just hate the heat."
Duane and Jeff.... maintenance rangers and Thursday's human entertainment of the day.

Thursday, December 4th
To be updated later:
late-ish start. Packed up, drove around, locked keys in car, Keys View, Octillo patch, Cactus garden, Cottonwood Springs. Got lost on our night hike.

Friday, December 5th
To be updated later:
Nice long hike. Firewood from gas station. Big fire. Big sky.

Saturday, December 6th
To be updated later:
left after waking up. Blythe. Scottsdale/Reading at coffee shop/Falafel place. DANCE SHOW! AWESOME!!! Out with Joe and Fernando to the club. Lots of fun!

Sunday, December 7th
To be updated later:
Flagstaff. Thai. Tried Black Barts. Alas, no Jim. I did get stuck, momentarily, in the dark, scary bathroom.
Drinking/cards/ridiculousness/JIM!/LAUGHING OUR ASSES OFF!!

Monday, December 8th (Jinsie's birthday)
To be updated later:
Back to Phoenix. Saw Kyle, YAY! Airport. Left the bag in the car. Oh crap. Cellphone problem. Sunflower seed butter scene. Flew to Georgia, flew to Raleigh. Met Cynthia the chiropractor and Irene, the 'god bless' 'praise Jesus' mom of the Italian supermodel wanna be. Saw my parents in the airport, always makes me laugh a little.

Tuesday, December 9th
Woke up late. Unpacked, breakfast of grits, eggs and pastries. Wow, for shredded wheat devotees, pretty impressive! Played with the dog, walked with mom. Laundry. Chatted on the porch. Walked to the library, then the Spanish market, and then the mmmmm Spanish bakery. Researched cameras. Made dinner of mushrooms/onions/braised tomatoes on fresh bread with farmers cheese. Secret cinnamon. Apple pie and wine for dessert. Whoa! Dessert at the Preddy household? Things are changing! (That, or, I'm finally a guest, and not, a resident).

Loaded photos, made my list of the things to do, and yes, updated two weeks of travel!

Wednesday December 10th

I think we went shopping at some point during the day. Yes, after a morning walk and some reading we went to Target, TJ Maxx and some outdoor store that I was more excited than necessary for. We bought Adam some great toys (a truck and blocks!) and cute Puma outfit.

My parents have a funny way of not really eating all day. They seem to have one main meal a day, and I'm not sure how they sustain themselves otherwise. Martinis? Wine? Out for pizza and beer (wine for the wine-o's) at Lily's that night. Decided I don't like potato on pizza and rosemary is a strong herb. Decided that it does my parents good to leave the house.

Thursday, December 11th

Major cabin fever. Not a great day. Axis is a pain during work outs. Tries to get underneath me when I do sit ups or push ups. But so cute! Did accomplish many random tasks that I had predicted would take 1/2 as long as the reality. Went out with dad to check out a tropical fish store (sad and neat), wine store and camera researching. Bought Jinsie a birthday gift, wrapped presents and scrapbooked to online episodes of the Simpson's. They provided a much needed laugh. I decided, I do love scrapbooking... but am not traditional, and do not follow the rules of scrapbooking (which I think, do actually exist).

Friday, December 12th

On the road. ALL DAY. After a shower, 7 hours of dog cuteness/hair/annoyance, a brief stop at Motel 8, we arrived chez King Cute. Chatted with Jinsie and played with baby Adam until Mike came home. After walking Axis, and a round of fabulous pizza (mmm, 2x that week!), mom and dad left for their motel is the ghetto. We watched something on TV, drank, chatted and chilled.

Saturday, December 13th

Baby in the bath! After a bath, and some breakfast we set to playing in the family room. We pretty much just sit and watch Adam, and play with Adam and cooooooo over Adam. Can you blame us? We are de-Adam for 4 months at a time! We took baby and dog to the park. Um, small people and small toys in a big area... so cute. Made me miss the museum of play. Dog and babies... do not mix, however. Oh Axis.

Then back to the house so baby, and dog, could nap. Mom and dad set off to relax at the motel and Jinisie and I went out to lunch at Soul Vegetarian. Mmm! A little urban outfitters and some coffee and we rode back from Atlanta to the house. After some more watch and play with King Cute, we headed to Ginger's house. Awesome house, awesome food, very enjoyable everything and everyone. Darjeeling limited back at their house and another couch night with the dog.

Sunday, December 14th

Doorbell. Good morning early rising parents. You can't really decide your sleep schedule when you sleep on the couch. Off to the market, after more playing. After the market, back on the road. 7 more hours of cuteness, which, flew by this time thanks to my ability to read in the car. Normally, any windiness or attempt to focus in a moving vehicle makes me plan out the best barf location options. Nope, not on the straight shot home. The sun set as I had 5 pages left to Mountains Beyond Mountains. At home, with some wine, I finished the book. And sat, in that moment of silence after you finish a long anything, wondering, "what now?"

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