Sunday, December 14, 2008

Lesson One: Store SSB in Bra

This was written in early December 2008.

So, I realized that I started this blog for the real reason, besides my verboseness, to keep myself and my human friends updated about what I've been doing/thinking as I wander around the world.

Before I go there, permit me to bird walk elsewhere.

Like I have aforementioned, I am recently obsessed with the written, and consequently, the spoken, word. My time has recently been taken by (eh, given to) family engagements, I have been writing entry after entry on scraps of brain space (oh much there is!) in my cranium. Like the back of the desk drawer (or the front, if you are me, or my boss), it is jumbled with this-and-that's; moments, or thoughts or ideas, beginnings of poems, descriptions, images... tossed around, sticking to my gray matter. And, like most of our thoughts, will remain there. I must use this foreword as warning, because, like the desk drawer clutter, you never know when random chunks of thoughts are going to detach from my cerebellum and plop out here. In this private/public journal forum thing that we invented.

OK. Chirp chirp. Back to the basics, baby. Uh-oh! B-words!

I wrote, in the airport, on the back of my e-ticket, while waiting for my connecting flight from Atlanta to Raleigh, about my ongoings. Paper blog.

For time and truth-to-the-moment, I shall transfer the words to this eblog. :

Sometimes it's the smallest of the overlooked details that end up being the biggest pain. I know I would need more credit-which really means money- on my phone before I arrived east. I figured it would be possible to do on the phone, without any paperwork, or other knowledge. Anyways--when I learned all of my electronics, food and toiletries (yes, the remotely infamous black glasses case as well) in the trunk of the Subaru--the small skip of not paying for minutes on my phone, bit me in the ass. I almost wish it had done so literally, maybe it would be a better wake up call.
Ow, my butt hurts! Why? Oh, yeah, you set off a chain of crappy events because you-no-pay-bills.
So--then I was set to wonder. Do I even need any of that stuff? Stuff, I'm always schlepping around--stuff, I'm buying, breaking, replacing, lamenting over. Yup. Stuff. Glasses, need those. (um, tangent about monocles... what? Not re-writing that here. Editing my past self) Yup, camera charger. Need that. Ugh.
It's really not that bad. It's really not even bad.
I think it matters so much to be because I want to be able to prove to myself that I can make and execute solid plans, independently. Like forgetting something is maybe a sign that I should stop this solo-travel life. Leaving the bag is a sign? "Don't you think you can do what you want, girl." No. Doubt portion of the brain, thanks for the attempt at a lesson, but--NO, I, the other part of me, disagree.

I'm mad they stole my peanut-butter (NAY! Sunflower Seed Butter, Mmmm) in my new squeezy tube. Oh customs customs. Thank you for keeping us safe, but, even after I squeeze out (painful!) almost all the delicious SSB in front of you, why, then, can you not be convinced that my SSB is not laced with explosives? Look, you can smell, we can taste... it's just in a tube. I've gone through the machine twice now, my boots have been xrayed twice. Three of you have examined (and enjoyed, dare I say) my little trail convenience. If this is about SSB, I'll give you some! You can oh-so-easily squeeze it out right now! Oh, I see, maybe I could McGuiver that little tube while I'm in the bathroom and explode everyone in the airport with my now, less than 2, ounces of sandwich spread. Yes. I can see it now. SSB on everyone and everything in the area. Really, I would just be bringing joy. Joy and tasty protein-rich lunch spread all over Phoenix! Oh well. Get over it. I should have stashed it in my bra. Lesson 1.

I do, however, love traveling. I love people watching. I love talking to people. I found, however, with more personal difficulties, comes an initial decrease for others. Flaunt your limited minutes! Flaunt your peanut butter in a 3oz clear container that not confiscated! Flaunt your carry on items...with, with.... with it's physical presence! Hah! Mine is traveling the streets of Phoenix in Subaru style... ain't yours jealous.

They're laughing. So cute. The family near me. New to being a family, a second generation adding on maybe three years ago. Every minute a first. First new minute, being in this new minute.

I wouldn't have met Cheryl, had I not leaned over to tell her about my SSB. I never would have chatted about her trip to Morocco, or her new life plans. I would never have seen her big big smile when I congratulated her and she beamed about her new life. New possibilities in a new spot in the world! Nor, probably, the man from Buffalo, NY, who, apologized that Rochester gets so much snow. He had a deep laugh and a nice ring, and I enjoyed the ten minutes he was my neighbor.

Bouncing up and down on the road. SSB, left bags, useless cell phones aside, traveling is good today.

Lesson one: we can't always see all the potholes in the road. No matter how well we plan the route. And, well, it's kind of fun sometimes, it changes perspective. We can plan and plan and plan, and sometimes, it's only in reflection that we see where we should have kept the SSB. Lessons for the future. :-)

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