Thursday, January 20, 2011

An Ode to Sonia, Brian, Allison, Margaret, Marsha and the Pet Announcement

So JFK, is now a past thought, as I sip my Americano in a comfortable coffee shop on a day so sunny it makes snow seem like a laughable thought.

If you read my previous entry you would deduct that JFK was a miserable experience, but alas, life changed that emotion. It was miserable to miss my flight, and sleeping on the cold floor was miserable, but enjoyment was also present in what could be recounted over several entries.

To be realistic, I likely will not take the time to detail the two days I spent getting to know the "Gate 16" community (yes, our very own gated community!). But, know that in the face of what could have been a very miserable day there were silver linings.

Often mentioned, the silver lining, became a focus of our bonding. It became how we settled a clearly uncomfortable situation (why do the chairs all have arm rests?) into a place of reason and humor. "What's the silver lining... do you want a cookie?"

It never fails. It never fails to use humor in a situation where you've lost all your 'power.' Okay, you can't make those planes fly, or stop that beautiful snow from falling so heavily, so, we learned at Gate 16 to gripe together, problem solve together, eat tiny bags of airplane food together and, most importantly, laugh together. That might just be the simplest of all the silver linings.

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