Sunday, December 26, 2010

JFK does not stand for John F Kennedy Airport

...but it's inappropriate what I want to call it right now.

The last entry was about fall. And now, I'm sitting in JFK at 4:30, where I've been since 11 am staring at the snow I've longed for for a long time now.

I've been on the road since 5:30am. One 15 dollar veggie burger later, and a lot of whiney people, and I'm still sitting in JFK wishing I didn't wish for snow.

Really, what I need to do is wish for a seat on this fully booked flight... seems like wishing for things out of my control worked for me when I wanted all this white stuff--- which is keeping me from my destination.

And today, the day is about the destination, not the journey. During this journey, a tired version of myself has steered away from chatting up a storm like I would normally do, instead I listened to a lot of whiners, a lot of unhappy people, and even my own wailings about 'unfairness' of flights and snow and blah blah blah.

After listening to a lot of it, it does make me want to just shut them up, shut up myself and then go play in the snow. Snow angels on the runway? Maybe that'll make me not want to call J.F.K. Just F.... nevermind. Fingers crossed. Snow angels in Rochester.

1 comment:

  1. If you're still in there tomorrow morning, come find my gate and say hi! I get in around 8:00am from Sacramento. I'd love to see you! ...but really I'm hoping you'll be long gone on your way by then! <3
