Saturday, January 30, 2010

Entry Way

The problem with having a blog is the shaping of my mind into blog enteries. Like I mentioned in one of my enteries from Guatemala, I title everything. I don't find myself doing that so much these days as actually writing little articles about themes, topics, ideas.... pretty much all the time. It's an ongoing monologue, and I'd like to learn how to quiet it... at times.

Today. Back Home and 25.

I ran today. Hahhaha. Wait. Lets rephrase that. I jogged today, slowly. My 1st jog as a 25 yr old. My short exercise adventure was absolutely delightful. I'm talking cherry on the top delicious moment. The sun was low in the sky over the ocean, I chose the grassy bluff path called Kortum trail and I took my easy jog through the mudpudles. Waves pummled the beaches and rocks, pelicans flew overhead and ravens fought in a bush of lupin. I mean, doesn't that sound amazing? I exaggerate no detail, except for that there were no cherries.


I don't really like the attention you get on your birthday. I don't like being singled out like that, expected to be having the greatest day of all, and having people sing directly to you while you sit akwardly.

This year felt different. Felt like celebrating. Not me so much. But me as a part of so many. I mean, celebrating all in my life these past 25 minutes.

Felt like handing out some high fives and hugs. Good feelings.

Sushi. Is what we really did. Sushi and speeches. I akwardly made my way through something I've wanted to phrase out loud for a while, but something I've always felt embarassed to say. And, yup, I felt embarassed.

So, when do you just push past those feelings and do what you want to do? Say what you want to say?

I've got no answers. But your birthday sure feels like an OK time to say those things :-).

I'm finishing this post much past my birthday.... on my new desire to finish things in life. To give fruition, to finally make myself not be so half-arsed about so many things. So here it is, out of order, but I'm fixing all my old 'draft' posts and just posting them. Not really the "things in life" i feel the deepest to finish, but, feels ok to do it nonetheless.

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